
Bytecoder User Manual


Bytecoder is a Rich Domain Model for Java Bytecode and Framework to interpret and transpile it to other languages such as JavaScript, OpenCL or WebAssembly.

Its key features are:

  • Ability to cross-compile JVM Bytecode to JavaScript, WebAssembly, OpenCL and other languages
  • Primary compile targets are JavaScript and WebAssembly
  • Work well with Debugger Toolchains and SourceMaps
  • Use OpenJDK 20 as Java Classlib

The JVM Bytecode is parsed and transformed into an intermediate representation. This intermediate representation is passed thru optimizer stages and sent to a backend implementation for target code generation.

The JavaScript backend transforms the intermediate representation into JavaScript.

The WebAssembly backend transforms the intermediate representation into WebAssembly text and binary code.

The OpenCL backend is used to compile single algorithms into OpenCL and execute them on the GPU. This backend is designed to enhance existing programs running on the JVM to utilize the vast power of modern GPUs.