The Maven Plugin

Maven Plugin usage

Bytecoder comes with a handy Maven plugin. This plugins supports the JavaScript and WebAssembly backends and can compile JVM Bytecode as part of the Maven project lifecycle without any third party or command-line tools.

Configuration options

The following configuration options are available:

  • buildDirectory': The build target directory. Defaults to${}`

  • mainClass The Classname with the main class to be compiled. Required.

  • backend: The Backend to be used. Can be js or wasm. Defaults to js.

  • debugOutput: Shall debug output be generated? Defaults to false.

  • optimizationLevel: Which kind of optimization should be applied? Can be DISABLED, DEFAULT or ALL. Defaults to DEFAULT.

  • filenamePrefix: Prefix of the generated files. Defaults to bytecoder.

  • additionalClassesToLink: List of full qualified class names to be linked beside the statically referenced ones to make them available by reflection API. Optional

Compiling to JavaScript


You have to set a main class with a valid public static void main(String[] args) method as an entry point. The plugin will invoke the JavaScript compiler which will do all the heavy lifting. The generated JavaScript will be placed in the Maven target/bytecoder directory.

Compiling to WebAssembly


You have to set a main class with a valid public static void main(String[] args) method as an entry point. The plugin will invoke the WebAssembly compiler which will do all the heavy lifting. The generated WebAssembly text file and compiled binaries will be placed in the Maven target/bytecoder directory.