Hello, this is a vue.js instance running with WebAssembly

Current message : {{welcomemessage}}

And here is my Java code:-)

public class VueDemo {

    public interface MyVueInstance extends VueInstance {

        void welcomemessage(String aNewMessage);

    private static VueEventListener<MyVueInstance, ClickEvent> listener;

    public static void main(final String[] args) {
        // We need the static reference to avoid garbage collection for this object
        // Opaque References are NOT visible to the GC, hence all references it holds also!!!
        listener = new VueEventListener<MyVueInstance, ClickEvent>() {
            public void handle(final MyVueInstance instance, final ClickEvent event) {
                instance.welcomemessage(String.format("hello world, you have clicked. Timestamp is %s", System.currentTimeMillis()));

        final VueBuilder<MyVueInstance> theBuilder = Vue.builder();
        theBuilder.data().setProperty("welcomemessage", "hello world!");
        theBuilder.addEventListener("clicked", listener);
        MyVueInstance instance = theBuilder.build();
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